In my last post I wrote about 4 Catastrophic Comments frequently spoken by contemporary pastors. Today I want to encourage you in your ministry by sharing a few words every pastor should hear.
You Are Making a Difference. Often the pastor or ministry leader finds himself wondering whether or not he is making a difference, especially when the people he serves appear to be stuck in a spiritual rut. I encourage you to remember effective change takes time. Stay consistent and committed and know that those you serve need you and what you offer. Remember the Apostle Paul and encourage the people to follow you as you follow Christ.
You Are Where You Belong. The city you minister in, the church you serve are no surprise to God. He knows where you are and where you are headed. Sometimes, ministry leaders need to be reminded that God knows exactly what he is doing when he places his leaders at a particular post. Stand strong where you are and watch how God will bless you where you’re planted.
You Are Not Alone. The enemy is good at making people feel as if they are experiencing hardships by themselves and that no one else understands. Friends, one of the main reasons I launched Breakthrough Ministry Consulting is in response to seeing the overwhelming need pastors have for help in ministry. There is nothing you are dealing with that someone else can’t offer a word of advice or encouragement that can help you through. You are not the first or the last to struggle in ministry. Don’t let the enemy trick you into believing you are alone.
You Will Figure It Out. I want to make an honest observation. It is obvious many of us are figuring this thing called ministry out as we go along. We really have no idea how to do it, we have to figure it out (at least that is how it feels at times). That is where our walk of faith comes into play. If we had all the answers, we wouldn’t seek God, depend on him, and on occasion, cry out for his help. The good news is that you ARE figuring it out. How awesome it is to see progress and transformation in ministry. Continue to trust in him and know that no book, conference, blog, or article can replace the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Never forget God has probably aligned you with people who can assist you in any area of ministry. Be willing to ask for help.
I hope these reminders are encouraging to you today.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]