For many pastors, finding good help in any area of ministry proves difficult. Finding a qualified, capable Assistant (or Executive) Pastor is even more complicated. The person has to truly embrace the role of being the 2nd man which frees the pastor up for casting vision and ministering the word. Here are 5 signs to look for in this significant role:
1. They Complement the Pastor. The Assistant should be able to work well with the Senior Pastor. He should be his Pippen to the Pastor’s Jordan, gifted in his own right, but able to balance the pastor’s strengths and weaknesses to make up a winning combination. He should always project the Pastor in a positive light, internally and externally.
2. They are not easily rattled. The Assistant has to deal with a number of issues. He must be a person who is stern yet even-tempered. He should be a great listener and approachable by staff and volunteers. He should be able to handle stress and help others to deal with issues as well.
3. They are visionary. There is value to a visionary Assistant. Working with the Senior Pastor, the Assistant can help develop and implement the strategies and goals for the church. Overseeing the operations requires vision to be effective, as long as the Assistant’s vision is not contrary to the overall vision.
4. They are capable of doing the job. This should go without saying. The Assistant should have the skill set to do the job. The person should be allowed to grow into the position and develop as a leader, but he should have the basic capacity to adapt, critically think, and demonstrate the all-important people management skills.
5. They are content in the 2nd chariot. The Assistant must be content with the role he is in. Often, the role of Assistant is not valued as highly as it should, which leads to aspirations to “move up”. A called Assistant will know his role is crucial and relevant to the Kingdom and will honor the one who God has chosen to lead.
What other signs would you look for in an Assistant?