Many churches have shifted to separate youth and children’s church during Sunday morning service, while others still offer a monthly or Annual day dedicated to youth. Unfortunately, whether it’s youth church or a special Event or Youth Sunday, some young people are stuck listening to a sermon that misses them completely. Let me give you 5 things you should consider before putting anyone on as a speaker for the youth:
He Doesn’t Have to Be Young. Somewhere in Christendom we came up with the idea that people “age out” of youth ministry so we gravitate toward speakers closer in age to our youth. Please, friends, do not fall into the trap of assuming a preacher will be perfect for your youth event because he is young in age. There are dynamic speakers of all ages and experiences who can challenge and charge your young people and their loved ones to new levels of faith. The words of a parent, teacher, community leader, or elder may be exactly what needs to be heard.
He Should be Familiar With Youth Culture. It has been suggested if you graduated high school more than three years ago, you are out of touch with the average teenager. That says a LOT about who you invite to speak. Not everyone truly understands youth culture.Too many speakers try to be cute or catchy but do not really understand what life is like for today’s young person. And even if they do understand, it takes a special skill set to present the gospel of Jesus to the delicate lives of today’s youth. Find a speaker who regularly engages with youth and truly understands the culture.
He Should Focus on the Kids. A good youth event speaker will start with his target audience in mind (youth) and carefully craft a message that is timely and relevant to young people and those who love them. I have heard too many preachers try to impress the host pastor and the adults in the congregation instead of preaching to the youth. It is awesome to speak Hebrew but a good youth preacher can speak Kanye.But not too much of it, since Kanye does enough for himself.
He Should be Properly Prepared. A youth event is not an excuse to water down the sermon or wing it. The preparation and presentation of the message should be taken seriously with proper exegesis, prayer, and preparation. One of the most difficult audiences to preach to are teenagers. They listen intently and are quickly able to identify authenticity. They are not impressed with showmanship and usually do not respond to the cues and cadence pastors may be used to. Young people respond to a word that meets them where they are and shows them love instead of legalism, but just like us, they expect a word that is well-prepared and well intended.
He Can Be the Pastor. Sometimes the best preacher for the occasion is the “father” of the house. Do not underestimate the significance of the pastor’s voice in the young person’s life. You may not have the connections discussed above, but your attention to them will speak volumes. Preach to them, talk to them, and show them how much you care.
I have been blessed to preach at youth events across the country and love doing so. Let me know if I can be of service to you as a guest speaker or helping you to find a speaker who meets the above criteria. Give me a call and let’s talk! Please pray for me as I pray for you,
Anthony Cobbs